A Practical Approach to Motivational Dog Obedience Training
Lori Drouin            Fall River Mills, California

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   At the request of some of my students, I set up this site to present video and photographic  information about dog training skills for performance obedience. You'll find some training articles that were previously published in Front and Finish and have generated requests for copies, as well as articles written in response to reader queries. 

    In addition to the marked video pages, there are also videos in some of the articles. 

   Check the calendar for upcoming seminars, and Friday class days  at Oakland DTC's facility will be published there as well.

   For questions, comments or information on lessons, classes, training manuals or seminars, contact me at .

     I hope you enjoy the site and find some useful information.  If you'd like to receive email notification of updates and additions, go to the Members page and join the group!